Bramer Automotive Centre

Businesses will be one of the biggest users of video in the future. The benefits are many especially compared to the cost and longevity of other forms of advertising.

Newspapers advantage is that for one day a lot of people read it. However after that day viewing drops to near zero. Yet the cost of a newspaper ad is more expensive than the cost of creating a video, plus there is no guarantee that the reader will look at and read the ad.

Television is similar to both video and newspapers. Its cost is very high and so is the viewers, but only for one view. Each time you show it the cost keeps adding up.

Radio can be a great choice depending on what is being advertised. An event/promotion works really well on radio. Plus it may be the preferred choice for some businesses.

Video however, combines the best of all the other forms of advertising. The cost of production has dropped precipitously in the past few years. Once created it can be used over and over without additional costs. Due to its accessibility a business can create a number of videos, create their own channel and a very distinct brand.

Bramer Automotive Centre

Here are three videos I created for Bramer Automotive Centre. It involved one major shoot (2 hours) and a couple minutes afterwards to fill out a couple of spots where I thought showing would enhance telling.

Introduction to Bramer Automotive Centre
Bramer Automotive Centre ~ Services
Bramer Automotive Centre ~ Who we are